If you hear the word wallpaper and it conjures up images of Grandma's floral formal dining room, you should throw out your preconceived notions and rethink what modern wallpaper can look like. These days wall coverings can come in a range of styles, textures, and patterns creating a mood or feeling that cannot be executed with paint alone. Here are some new and exciting looks in the world of wallpaper:
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Wallpaper can be an excellent way to inject rich texture into a space. Modern wall coverings have come a long way in terms of creating an eye pleasing and unique aesthetic. Textured wall papers can create a mood and character in a room that cannot be accomplished through any other medium. Wall coverings now come in textures ranging from the subtle but elegant grass cloth options, to a more traditional looking embossed wallpaper, to the ultra modern textured geometrics that are pushing the limits of what a "wallpaper" means.
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Geometric wall papers are a popular and bold choice that look great in many different spaces. A geometric pattern in a high contrast black and white can have a high impact. Whereas a softer more subtle color palette or pattern can impart interest to an elegant space. Colorful geometric wall coverings keep things playful and fun!
Whimsical wall papers can convey a sense of playfulness for someone looking for a lighthearted aesthetic. These wall coverings are fantastic in nurseries/kids rooms or in a quirky, eclectic space. They are perfect for powder rooms where you can have fun and get creative in a small space that guests frequent.
Avant Garde
Some wall papers are really pushing the design limits. These wall coverings impart the latest looks in a very interesting way. Unusual patterns and themes will keep spaces looking ultra hip and modern.
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